Four decades of combined experience means that Trusted Home Contractors is the premier choice for flooring installation services in the state of California. We were established in 1975, and since then, we have helped thousands of homeowners add beauty and style to their homes with our expertise in flooring installation and many other home improvement services.
Options in Flooring Installation Services
In our homes, our floors see a lot of traffic as the residents, children, guests, and pets move around the house. Flooring sees a lot of abuse over its service life. Over time, that flooring can become unsightly. Dirt and sand tracked into the house can scratch the finish, leading to dull spots in high-traffic areas. Spills and stains can ruin the appearance of fine flooring. In many cases, flooring must be replaced to restore the interior beauty of your home.
Flooring also allows a homeowner to change the appearance of the interior, adding a different style or an exotic floor treatment to accentuate furnishings. There are many options available for homeowners, and Trusted Home Contractors is expert at all of them.

Some of the many popular flooring installation choices include:



High-performance engineered laminates



Our Recent Work

How Can I Benefit from a Flooring Installation in My Home?
There are many benefits to replacing old flooring in your home. Besides adding a dramatic, polished appearance to your interiors, you can add value by choosing Trusted Home Contractors for your flooring installation needs. Fresh new floors make a home more attractive to potential buyers if you are planning to put your residence on the market. Even if you aren’t planning to sell, hardwood floors or other high-end flooring materials can improve the equity of your home.
Another benefit is the quality of life you can improve by replacing damaged flooring. Stains and damage are unsightly, and rough floors or damaged areas can be uncomfortable to walk on. Fresh flooring feels great on the feet and looks just as good as it performs.
Flooring Installations Done The Trusted Home Contractors Way
Since we first opened our doors in 1975, Trusted Home Contractors has led the industry by performing top-quality flooring installation services for residents in both Southern and Northern California. We have worked with thousands of homeowners and have exceeded expectations every time.
How did we get to where we are today? Simple – by working directly with homeowners. By personalizing our services, we can address concerns about flooring materials, budgets, and timeframes. We explain the process and handle any issues as they may arise as we complete the flooring installation. We can even help you select the flooring materials, finishes, and colors to accentuate your style and add a glamorous appearance to your home’s interior.
We handle all aspects of a flooring installation project from start to finish, including:
- Sourcing the flooring materials you desire01
- Removal of old flooring02
- Any prep work and minor repairs needed to complete the installation03
- The installation itself04
- Sourcing the flooring materials you desire05
- Cleanup when the work is done06
What Our Clients Says
Call Trusted Home Contractors Today!
If you have an older home in need of some help, Trusted Home Contractors is the premier provider of Home Remodeling Services in Northern and Southern California. We are ready to assist you in creating the exterior look and interior function that you will enjoy for years to come.
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